Already Registered? Read Below!
Conference location: The conference will take place on the campus of UNC Greensboro in the UNCG School of Dance Coleman Building from 8 am to 5:30pm on Saturday, February 3.
Parking: Parking is available free of charge for conference participants in the Walker Ave Parking Deck. Pull a ticket to enter the deck. The gates will be raised for 90 minutes at the end of the day to allow participants to exit without payment. Should you need to leave earlier, please drive to the 3rd floor exit and let the attendant know you are with NCDEO and they will raise the gate for you.
Conference check-in: When you arrive, please come to the Coleman Building lobby between 8 and 8:30 am to check in and pick up your badge and T-shirt before proceeding to the welcome and keynote session. We will have an NCDEO rep there throughout the day to answer questions and assist with late check-ins.
Conference schedule: Please view the conference schedule, which also includes links to session descriptions and presenter biographies. All breakout sessions are available until the room reaches capacity.
Box Lunches: A box will be provided for all participants who registered and selected a meal by Tuesday, January 30. Come to the Circulation Area near the “swimming pool” studios to pick up your lunch.
Lunch and Learn + Raffle: New this year, we invite you to use the lunch hour to learn about dance education resources at our Lunch and Learn stations, where you can chat informally with NCDEO members and then pick up a raffle ticket. At the closing session, drop your ticket into the bucket for the prize you’d like to win! You could go home with a new dance education book, water bottle, or vintage NCDEO shirt! (You must be present at the closing session to win.)
Snacks and water: Please bring your own refillable water bottle. Water fountains and filling stations are available in campus buildings. If you desire snacks during the day, there are vending machines in the Coleman Building in close proximity to the dance studios.
Volunteers: Keep an eye out for our student volunteers in the UNCG shirts with yellow name badge ribbons. They are here to help you find your way and make your conference day run smoothly.
What to bring? We have movement sessions scheduled throughout the day, so dress ready to move and be comfortable! Movement classes include tap, ballet, and hip-hop, so be sure to bring footwear if you’d like to participate in those classes. Please do not wear street shoes in the dance studios.
Internet: Guests can access the wifi network UNCG-Wireless. Those from other institutions with eduroam may also access eduroam on campus.
CEUs: If you need documentation of your participation in the conference, please track your sessions and fill out the post-conference Participant Documentation for CEUs. This form allows you to complete the follow-up activity of your choice to document 10 total hours of professional development. The final decision on granting CEUs rests with your LEA.
Day-of Contacts: If you need assistance during the day of the conference, please text Marissa at 252-917-7442 or Kelly at 252-412-1809 so we can help!
Bring a friend! Finally, please help our conference grow! Please encourage your colleagues to register and join us for a day of advocacy and celebration as we dance and learn together. Register here.